Brute Force vs Password Spray

There are so many different kinds of password attacks. We must comprehend the various attack types in order to recognize and prevent these attacks.

The difference between a Brute Force attack as well as a Password Spray attack is illustrated here. The challenging part of these attacks is figuring out the username and password combination.

Let’s begin with the differentiation.

Brute Force:

Senseless violence is meaning for Brute Force. That’s what apply in this attack too.

In this case, the attacker already knows the username, but is unsure of the password.

Start by using the known user name with any names, numbers, or a combination of both that they submit.

They are abusing the application in this manner. When all the pieces fall into place, they triumph.

Brute force attacks, as seen in this image, occur when an attacker tries to get in to a single user using several passwords or password files.

But, if the account locked out policy was enabled, this attack would fail. When the threshold for a wrong password is reached, the account will be locked. Following that, login is impossible even if the genuine person types the right password.

Password Spray:

Despite not knowing the user name, the attacker has successfully obtained the password. Therefore the attacker in this case utilizes the password spray technique.

Password is constant at the this moment. continually shifting username There is occasionally a chance that an attacker may use one password and many usernames.

The benefit of this attack is not going to lock here.


To get out this all types of attacks, our password should be unique and strong. Utilize the password manager. Don’t go for easy or guessable passwords.

There are so many different kinds of password attacks. We must comprehend the various attack types in order to recognize and prevent these attacks. The difference between a Brute Force attack as well as a Password Spray attack is illustrated here. The challenging part of these attacks is figuring out the username and password combination.…